Lloyd Field
Lloyd Field
About Lloyd Field
Biography and Career Highlights
Lloyd, a former management consultant, executive coach, facilitator, speaker, and author who spent 30+ years working with business leaders in North America and throughout Europe. Lloyd has a PhD in Human Resources, and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development in the U.K. (FCIPD); recently retired from the U.S. Society for Human Resource Management (SPHR).
Prior to 1975, Lloyd held two significant corporate positions
- Johnson & Johnson International, Toronto, as Vice-President of Human Resources and as a member of the Ortho Pharmaceuticals (Canada) Board of Directors, and as
- First National Personnel Director for Capitol Records/EMI (Canada) Ltd. and the newly branded Capitol Record Club, Toronto.
In 1975, Lloyd created and led Performance House Ltd. The mission was to assist clients to remain union-free through the application of Positive Employee Relations™. By creating holistic values-based Leadership Programs that supported organizational cultures where employees saw that it was in their own best interests to remain non-unionized, the need had been eliminated. No client ever lost to a union campaign or organizing drives…if they followed his values-based Positive Employee Relations recommendations.
As a management consultant, Lloyd was challenged by some of the best leadership minds. With unflinching principals he tactfully stood his ground, routinely convincing these same leaders to develop leadership and employee strategies and tactics that placed their organizations outside the overtures made by trade unions. The beauty of Positive Employee Relations is that it not only removes the obstacle to employee dissatisfaction and pro-union sentiments, it also establishes the foundation for value-based employee engagement.
Insightful leaders have frequently discussed the fundamental contradictions they face when striving to maximize profits while acknowledging the many ills of society rising around them. In these private discussions, leaders have given voice to the dual value systems they face daily: satisfying their financial obligations to shareholders and as citizens wanting to make this a better world for all. Combining his extensive business experiences with his study of Buddhism, Lloyd determined that there was a Better Way. This amalgam of business and Buddhist experiences led to the publication of Business and The Buddha: Doing Well by Doing Good. This book received high profile endorsements including a foreword by His Holiness The Dalai Lama. It has been translated into four languages beyond English.
The 5th Edition of Lloyd’s best-selling book -- Unions are not Inevitable!©: A Guide to Positive Employee Relations™ was released in 2013. This is a two-volume Canadian & USA Edition..... the most extensive book ever written on the topic of union-free management.
Lloyd has always been an active volunteer. He embodies an idea expressed by Winston Churchill: “We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give.” In today’s on-going search for work/life balance, volunteering and acts of kindness, no matter how small, are never wasted.
Over the years he has been an Advisor, Board member and Strategic Planning Facilitator....including some of the following
- Board member at Lutherwood/Luther Village
- An advisor to the Board of Bereaved Families of Ontario (Mid-Western Region)
- Canadian representative for Sarvodaya
- Strategic Facilitator to the Board of Focus on Ethnic Women
- Chair of the Human Resources Committee of the Alzheimer Society of Kitchener-Waterloo
- President/Secretary of Nalanda College
As Board Executive Committee member and Chair of the Human Resources Committee of the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Association he facilitated the Association’s first Strategic Plan. This initiative received many accolades, and the Plan was featured in a number of American orchestral journals.
After the death of their daughter in 1988, Lloyd, his wife Joyce and son Russell created the Kyra Field Memorial Fund. This led to a partnership with Kids Help Phone, Canada’s only free 24/7 telephone and online counselling service for children. Lloyd was a founding Executive Committee member and Joyce dedicated herself as a volunteer. The Kyra Field Memorial Fund continues to support Kids Help Phone by providing funds for counsellors to participate annually in training projects and education.
John Colangeli, CEO, Lutherwood said:
“I cannot express to you how much we all appreciate your guidance and advice in helping us to manage this organization. You have had a profound and wonderful, positive effect on our ability to achieve our mission of making a difference in people’s lives. I can’t thank you enough for your support and help, not just recently, but over the years. You are truly a mentor and a friend.”
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